Main category Utilities
Sub category Network
Developer Royal Applications Team
Filesize 26522
Title Royal TSX
◊ v 4.1.1 Royal TSX
wakeonlan ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
(As suggested in the comment from Kim Burgess)
Speaking of FreeRDP’s contributors: We’d like to take the opportunity to thank every single one of them for their outstanding work on this project! A lot of the success we’ve seen with Royal TSX would not have been possible without your outstanding contributions to one of the greatest open source projects I’ve ever come across. Implementing a beast of a protocol like RDP on multiple platforms as open source software is an incredible achievement and we’re very grateful to be able to build our products on top of such great software. Thank you!
All prices excluding VAT. Reference currency is Euro.
One unusual thing about Royal TSX for a Mac remote desktop software is that, like a browser, it can be enhanced with plugins.
Updated Mac Pro [25991 kbytes]
New on MacBook [24930 kbytes]
In the following set of folder locations, search for the items whose names contain the keyword(s) of Royal TSX or its vendor: /Library, /Library/Caches, /Library/Preferences, /Library/Application Support, /Library/LaunchAgents, /Library/LaunchDaemons, /Library/PreferencePanes, /Library/StartupItems * Supported encodings: copyrect, zrle, tight, (zlib)hextile, zlib, rre, raw, desktop-resize Jump Desktop Screenshot or wolcmd 009027a322fc 7 Royal TS | Facebook Adding support for remote protocols is simple. Jump Desktop is easily one of the slickest and easiest to use remote desktop solutions for Mac users. • Print from Windows applications to any printer configured on your Mac
Royal TSX ver 6.1.1 6PI 3.2.9 Version iMac
VER. 3.2.9 ROYAL TSX VXPN 4.3.1 10.12.6
Royal TSX vers 4.4.1 3P4Tu 3.2.6 on MacBook
CWOFP 3.2 ROYAL TSX 4.1.5 New! version
a0y vers 4.2.1 Royal TSX 3.2.6 Recomended iMac
ROYAL TSX VERSION 4.4.1 WGEVW 3.3.1 High Sierra
QP0 vers 3.2.6 Royal TSX 6.1.1 Recomended on 10.14.2
Best Mojave
qin0_3.2.6_The_Vault.tar.gz (18082 KB) 2.5.6
Recomended Mojave
PLANNER-5D-VERS-4.1.15-WH60AT.TAR.GZ (289408 KB) 5.1.11
Version for MacBook (8226 KB) 2.3.6
New on Mac Pro
PWgyzK.iMazing.HEIC.Converter.version.1.0.11.pkg (9914 KB) 1.0.12